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Simplifying Program Management with Emerging Businesses

City of Wichita streamlines Emerging Business Enterprise program, making it easier than ever to support small and disadvantaged businesses.

Out on the great plains of southern Kansas, the City of Wichita has removed barriers for local emerging businesses with its upgraded Work With Wichita platform. In addition to helping local entrepreneurs as they start and grow their businesses, the platform’s centerpiece is helping grow the Emerging Business Enterprise (EBE) Certification program. The goal? Increase the number of dollars spent on local emerging and disadvantaged businesses.

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Here’s how the City transformed its manual and paper-based program management into a 24/7 automated assistance program optimized for even the most vulnerable of businesses.


The Challenge

Program management can be overwhelming.

If you’re a program manager tasked with ensuring office efficiency and positive outcomes, you have a big job to do: 

  1. Promotion: how should I spread the word about my awesome business program?
  2. Technical Assistance: how should I describe my program in detail and support businesses as they learn and ask questions?
  3. Prequalification: how should I ensure businesses are qualified to apply so I’m not wasting anyone’s time?
  4. Application Management: how should I take in new applications, ensure compliance at each step, request updates, and decide on an outcome?
  5. Administration: how do I keep track of my successful applicants, and ensure they receive their benefits?
  6. Renewal: how do I make sure businesses know when they need to renew their application and ensure long-term success?

A lot of businesses didn’t know where to start.... Paper-based applications needed to be completed in-person or faxed to the correct department. A spreadsheet was updated regularly to include the latest program participants and their status. Calendar reminders with attached spreadsheets reminded staff to send renewal emails. 


In today’s world, businesses are demanding online and mobile-friendly access to programs. Without conveniences like detailed step-by-step instructions, digital applications, secure document upload, and online assistance, businesses will become frustrated and start to think that your City isn’t business-friendly. 

The City of Wichita’s Contract Compliance Officer, Chris Haislett, knew these challenges well. 

A lot of businesses didn’t know where to start. The City didn’t have a small business department and no one was providing technical assistance to emerging businesses getting off the ground. Paper-based applications needed to be completed in-person or faxed to the correct department. A spreadsheet was updated regularly to include the latest program participants and their status. Calendar reminders with attached spreadsheets reminded staff to send renewal emails. 

Program management needed to get easier.

With the important goal of expanding their vendor base and having more small and disadvantaged businesses to work with, Chris turned to Qwally for a better, faster, and smarter way to manage his business program.


The Solution

With Qwally, the City launched the Work With Wichita platform, a powerful tool that helps local entrepreneurs start and grow, connect with resources, and seek City contract opportunities. The best part? The complications of managing the EBE program have been all but removed.


“Qwally was pivotal in realizing our vision to increase small business participation in City programs and foster a more competitive local vendor base. Since its launch, the EBE program has streamlined the application, approval, and renewal process.”

- Chris Haislett, Contract Compliance Officer, City of Wichita, KS


Small businesses can now apply for EBE Certification in just a few minutes online. Work With Wichiga can be accessed at any time through a computer or mobile device and uses a secure login system that eliminates the need for users to remember a password. For Chris, the Qwally platform provides a centralized view of the EBE program. City users can monitor and support small businesses as they pursue City contract opportunities. City staff can review and approve applications, message with applicants, and search for EBE-certified vendors by location and industry. The platform also automates time-intensive tasks like distributing certification renewal notices. 

Qwally’s enhancements to the EBE program include:

  1. Promotion 
    • Work With Wichita has a dedicated EBE program page with targeted keywords and SEO descriptions making it easier than ever to find. All businesses can learn about the program on the main platform, or using their personalized business profiles. 
  2. Technical Assistance
    • Qwally provides detailed and accessible descriptions of the program, its benefits, and how to prepare. The application process also includes step-by-step instructions for how to apply.
  3. Prequalification
    • Using Qwally, step 1 is prequalification. Businesses must answer the correct answers to be considered qualified, and detailed explainers help businesses provide accurate information and reasoning. 
  4. Application Management
    • The EBE application is broken down into 8 distinct steps, each with simple instruction and process. Staff can see exactly where each business is in their process and provide assistance as needed to ensure more successful applicants.
  5. Administration
    • As soon as City staff approves a new applicant, Qwally automatically updates the City’s internal and online business directory, helping centralize program information and promote certified businesses in the community.
  6. Renewal
    • Businesses receive automatic reminders of their renewal months in advance with clear instructions. There’s even a built-in grace period for folks that take a bit longer.

Wichita EBE Program

Wichita EBE Certification Application, Powered by Qwally

Other popular features in the Work With Wichita site include:

  • Plain Language Guides: Helps businesses research complex processes for starting and growing their businesses.
  • Checklist Matchmaking: Businesses that complete a short intake are matched to personalized tasks across City, County, State, and Federal requirements.
  • CRM: Stores business information, requests, interactions, notes, referrals, and more into a single database for safe keeping.
  • Progress Tracking: Allows both businesses and City support staff to monitor tasks and application statuses together.
  • Data Analytics: Provides real-time data and visualizations for progress reporting.


The Impact

Work With Wichita has dramatically decreased the manual time Haislett was taking at each step of his program, ensuring more competitive City contracts. “Qwally was pivotal in realizing our vision to increase small business participation in City programs and foster a more competitive local vendor base,” said Chris Haislett. “Since its launch, the EBE program has streamlined the application, approval, and renewal process; now with over 200 certified businesses.”

To date, Work With Wichita has helped thousands of users connect with guidance, match with checklists, discover resources, and improve economic outcomes in the City. 


The Future

Looking ahead, Wichita plans to continue working with Qwally on the EBE Certification program and increasing their vendorbase. The platform has not only streamlined program management, but also expands programming to businesses looking to start and grow. Without dedicated business support staff, Qwally is the most efficient way for the City to continue helping entrepreneurs and small businesses success. 


About Qwally

Qwally enables more wonderfully vibrant business communities through an approachable Business Engagement Platform. Qwally scales business support, ensuring Cities and Economic Development professionals are equipped to manage requests, referrals, assistance, and feedback from businesses, providing better, faster, and smarter business assistance.



Brandon Gumm

Brandon leads sales, marketing, and customer success at Qwally, an industry-leading developer of business engagement software for local governments and support organizations. If you are a local government or support organization working with entrepreneurs and small businesses, please reach out!

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