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Biz101: Manor's Path to Streamlined Business Success

City of Manor, TX enhances support for local businesses with Biz101, powered by Qwally.

Nestled near the dynamic metropolitan area of Austin, TX, the City of Manor has taken another significant step forward with Biz101, a platform designed to streamline interactions between the City and its vibrant business community. Biz101 leverages Qwally's latest advancements, bringing unprecedented efficiency and support to local entrepreneurs, particularly those from historically underrepresented groups.


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Here’s how the City is streamlining business success with Qwally.


The Challenge

Simplifying business processes to support a growing City is complicated.

The City of Manor, poised for a population surge of 373% by 2030, faces unique challenges and opportunities. With a high influx of new residents and businesses, managing city services efficiently has become paramount. 


“Cities are going after big fish, but you need to focus on small, too. Don’t ignore your small business community.”

- Scott Dunlop, Director of Development Services, City of Manor, TX


Biz101 initially emerged as a solution to integrate support among city departments and entrepreneurial support organizations, simplifying the complex processes faced by small business owners. "I don’t know what I don’t know," shared a local business owner, reflecting the common sentiment prior to Biz101. As Scott Dunlop, the City’s Director of Development Services, further explains, “Cities are going after big fish, but you need to focus on small, too. Don’t ignore your small business community.”

That challenge is compounded by the need to coordinate business services across departments. While the City of Manor is still relatively small, several departments are supporting business success every day, such as Development Services, Community Development Services, and the Economic Development Department. 


The Solution

With so many City professionals helping businesses succeed, Qwally is emerging as the business one-stop shop to streamline efforts.

With the City’s new launch of Biz101, the platform simplifies business processes in Manor. In addition to providing step-by-step guidance for businesses and help navigating local resources, the platform now supports a wider range of applications, including Vendor Permits for Peddlers, Solicitors, Special Events, and Food Establishments, among others.

The platform's enhancements include:

    • Streamlined Vendor Permit Application Process: Biz101 simplifies the application process for various vendor permits, breaking down complex regulations into understandable steps. Entrepreneurs can apply for permits necessary to operate mobile food establishments, manage special events, and more—all through a single, intuitive, and accessible interface.
    • New Guidance for Business Success: The launch includes new wayfinding and licensing and permitting guidance to help businesses navigate complex processes. “Having a step-by-step guide puts it in layman’s terms, and makes it as easy as possible,” said Dunlop.
    • Enhanced Dashboard and Communication Tools: The updated Biz101 features an improved dashboard that allows city staff to track applications efficiently, facilitate communications, and provide timely support to entrepreneurs. "Biz101 allows me to quickly answer questions, so entrepreneurs can select Manor, and we don’t lose them [to another city]," explained Debbie Charboneau, Manor’s former Heritage and Tourism Director.
    • Data-Driven Insights and Progress Tracking: The platform offers real-time data analytics and visualization tools that help city officials monitor progress and make informed decisions. 


The Impact

Since the launch of Biz101, Manor has increased the efficiency of its small business support. Biz101 provides self-service tools allowing city staff to focus more on strategic initiatives rather than administrative tasks. "Small businesses can now go to Biz101 instead of sitting down with me for an hour or two," Charboneau noted, highlighting the time savings that have empowered her to lead impactful community programs.

Scott Dunlop, emphasized the broader impact: "You build a better city when your residents can fulfill their dream and stay where they are...Being receptive and open, and doing what you can to foster the small business space, makes the whole community better."


The Future

Looking ahead, Manor plans to continue its collaboration with Qwally to enhance Biz101 into a fully featured one-stop shop for its expanding business community. As the city grows, the platform will evolve to include more features that support a diverse range of business needs, including applications and guidance. The goal is to ensure Manor remains a prime destination for entrepreneurs and business owners seeking opportunity and support.


About Qwally

Qwally enables more wonderfully vibrant business communities through an approachable Business Engagement Platform. Qwally scales business support, ensuring Cities and Economic Development professionals are equipped to manage requests, referrals, assistance, and feedback from businesses, providing better, faster, and smarter business assistance.



Brandon Gumm

Brandon leads sales, marketing, and customer success at Qwally, an industry-leading developer of business engagement software for local governments and support organizations. If you are a local government or support organization working with entrepreneurs and small businesses, please reach out!

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